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Week 1 entry

Familiarization with visual studio code. Visual studio will be utilized in the semester for using Micro controllers, uploading of codes, tacking files and versions of codes through git. VS Has a Auto update, portable across platforms. Its (IDE) internal development environment enables programmers to consolidate he different aspects of writing a computer program. Version control is used for regulating work flow and organization of projects. Version control is able to create branches, branches are variations of a file that can be edited and experimented with, keeping the original along with the ability to merge into the original file. Git-Vocab

Video tutorials gave a brief and simple familiarization with the main aspects of VS Nb more practice needed on my behalf.

Question 1: what is css is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in mark up.

Electricity and labs

Electricity is measured in volts (V) eg. 110v. there are two types, AC and DC, ac example is a wall plug with alternating current, dc example batteries, constant/direct voltage. Current (A) is measured in amps. Resistance (R) is the amount of current being reduced like slightly pinching a hose with flowing water. Question: Can Ohm’s law be considered resistance. Ohm’s law equates to V=IR

Week 2 Entry

Week 2 making LED blink BLONK.INO 1.Library- code has access to Library files for more complex codes.

2.Whenever writing a new code from vs code to arduino add include Arguino to the first line of code. 3.Gpio stands General purpose input abs output.

  1. Analog and digital, digital the voltage are either on or off. Analog goes anywhere no steady voltage. PWM: Pulse-width modulation, or pulse-duration modulation, is a method of reducing the average power delivered by an electrical signal, by effectively chopping it up into discrete parts.

Input examples *sound *Light *Movement *Touch

Output examples: *Speakers *Light *Relay

Nb micro controller works with 5 voltz.

Assignment. Get LED on using bread board and micro controller. Then utilize left and right installed switches to turn on and off. Assignment was a success, image to be uploaded

Week 3-4

Class notes Pwm, Puls width modulation, pmw immittes analog funtion.


They’re 0 - 255 in a Byte, 8 bits = a byte Bit= 1 or 0 4bits= a Nibble 16bits= a word 32bits= a word

When dealingfor the number of bits needed to represent a given number of characters (letters, numbers, or symbols), you need to look at the powers of 2.

Switch Lab

Switch off

Switch on